
Kinds of NOUNS - Common, Proper, Collective, Abstract, Countable, Uncountable

GRAMMAR Reference: htt ps:// itinggeeks.i n/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/NOUNS.jpg?fit=800%2C521&ssl=1 Only an introduction to the noun was given in ‘Parts of Speech’. Nevertheless the term ‘noun’ owes a broad aspect with different usage and types. In a single sentence, half of the words are nouns. A noun is a word to name; o    An object or thing o    A person o    A place o    A quality or state An object or the thing is something we can see, touch or think of. With regard to Kinds of nouns there are many as;                  1.  Common nouns                  2.  Proper nouns                  3.  Collective nouns                  4.  Abstract nouns                  5.  Countable nouns                  6.  Uncountable nouns Reference : 1. Common nouns  Note : Common nouns are the nouns used to denote a thing, person or a place most commonly. As an example,  Harry is an intelligent boy Her