Make English Language a WOW !

It is ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ! Anywhere, anyplace, anytime it's being English Language which rules the civilized world on earth. With the great revolution took place as 'Industrial revolution' and the modernization of the world with automation and digitizing human activities, English language has become the reign behind these drastic alterations. So, why are you waiting?

                                           Chase your perks from English Language!

 Today it is the automated world we are living in. No one cannot live hiding from the modern world. Do you ever think that even any software code written in any other language than English? All these web platforms connected with Internet, they are run on platforms written in English. Even higher studies are done in English around the titled universities! E commerce is done in English!  So why is to ignore this language? There is no reason, is it? 




WOW English will definitely become your brilliant guide in your journey. In fact A to Z of English Language will be shared with you in a series of articles. Thus the article series is relevant for a kindergarten kid up to a professional.

 I will just remind you something… Always think I can do it. Never fall back. Read books of different subjects and classics, wonderful stories in them will fascinate you and increase your enthusiasm towards the language. Read newspapers, you will come across modern novel terms used currently in the world. Read them loudly, even in front of a mirror. Your tongue muscles will practice to speak English fluently. After sometimes you can practice speaking English with your friends, teachers, family members and in your office. Never mind your flaws, they will run away with your practicing. Refer the Dictionary in any case you find a new word. Then use that word in your writing or speaking which you will never forget that word and its usage. Watch English films from which you can catch the actors’ dialogues. (Better to watch the films related to classics.)


It is always impossible until it is done.

So let us make English Language a WOW.

      Welcome all to WOW English blog! Grab your perks from English Language!

Author : Dinithi Priyashiroma

Sponsored by Titan English School 


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