Parts of Speech


When we use English Language in writing, reading or speaking, we use sentences. Sentences are made of words which comprised of a meaning. There are many kind of words which alters the meaning of a sentence.

They are called as Parts of Speech.


These kinds of words are divided according to their usage in a sentence and according to their action or what they do in a sentence.

Mainly they are of 8 types.

        1. Noun                 2. Adjective           

        3. Pronoun            4. Verb  

        5. Adverb              6. Preposition      

        7. Conjunction     8. Interjection


1. Noun 

A noun is a word used to name or used as a name of a person, place or a thing. 

eg :  It is a rose. 

        Stars are shining in the sky.

        Mr. David Ferras is the chief of the company.

        Canberra is the capital city of Australia.


There are many types of nouns such as, 

   Common nouns           Proper nouns          

   Collective nouns         Abstract nouns        

   Countable nouns        Uncountable nouns

(Types of nouns will be explained in another article..)


2. Adjective   

An adjective is a word which add some meaning or increases the meaning of a noun. 

eg:   He was a brave king.

        There are four rooms in this house.

        The parrot is a beautiful bird.


3. Pronoun

A pronoun is a word or probably a noun used instead of another noun.

eg: Harry was awarded because he became the class first.

      Children are happy when they play games.


4. Verb

A verb is a word used to express some action or a state. 

There are many types of verbs such as action verbs, helping verbs, linking verbs, transitive verbs, intransitive verbs.

eg:   They are playing cricket.

        She wrote a letter to her best friend.


5. Adverb

An adverb is a word which add some meaning to a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

eg:    He speaks English fluently.

         The athlete ran fast.


6. Preposition

A preposition is a word used with a noun or a pronoun which shows how that noun or the pronoun has a relationship to something else.

There are some words which are used to show this relation. This relation can be a location or a time or some relation with something.

A preposition always stands in front of its object which is called as

  •  Preposition  means  pre-positioned. 

in                   on                  at     

under            near               of    

to                  over               up                    

against          along             below             

across           after              among         

before           beneath        beside            

amid             around          behind              

between       beyond          inside           

outside         into                from              

through        toward           above 

onto             opposite        since              

until             unlike             about           

upon            with               without             

off                within

eg :  The pen is on the table.

        The old man is sitting under a tree.

        A scarecrow is in the field.


7. Conjunction

As the term implies, conjunction is a word which acts as a junction. That implies to join or connect words or sentences.

Most popular conjunctions used in English language are as follows.

    and     but     as     because   yet      

    or     thus    also   such as    for  

    so that    when      nevertheless     

    not only-but also     neither-nor     

    either-or       no sooner-than   


eg : He worked hard, but failed the exam.

        Ann and Belinda are best friends since kids.

       John was absent because he was ill.

 8. Interjection

Interjection is a word which suggests or expresses an unexpected or sudden feeling.

eg :   Wow!        

         Alas! He is dead.     

         Hurrah! I won the game.


  • This is only an introduction to parts of speech. Each type is explained with its usage and in detail with examples in upcoming articles. Let us meet with the next article on Nouns. 

Author : Dinithi Priyashiroma


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